As promised, I'm going to start posting my AWESOME spring break (aka Passover break, according to my school), one day at a time. Why was it so awesome, u ask? I didn't go to a foreign country, climb a mountain, or wrestle an anaconda (unless u count my "alone time," I guess). But I'm a med student, and I also DIDN'T STUDY. And I was drunk most of the time, w/ my best friends. What can I say? I'm a simple man w/ simple pleasures.
Spring break started out with a 2-days/1-night trip to Philadelphia, PA with Shirley. Neither of us had seen Philly, or even knew anything about it, and we figured it was an East-Coast city worth hitting up while we had the opportunity. We were a little concerned that 2 days wouldn't be enough time to see the city in its entirety...Haha! Anyone who's been to Philly knows why I'm laughing at that statement.
I'm not trying to hate at all, I liked Philly, but objectively speaking, Philly is about the size of rich man's backyard. Or a fat woman's backside. U get the's small. At least the part of Philly worth visiting. It was good in the sense that we didn't need to worry about transportation (everything was within walking distance), but we also "ran out of Philly" half way thru the 2nd day.
It turns out, Philly is a kind of old city, as American cities go. There's still some pretty cool architecture up from a long time ago....prolly at least the 70's:

One thing I really liked was that Philly had quite a few grassy squares cut into the otherwise metropolitan city. They were like super-mini-central parks, and definitely seemed like mellow places to get drunk on nice days:

We hit up all the historical sites like Washington Square, Independence Hall (apparently the Declaration of Independence was signed there), and, of course, the Liberty Bell...which was way smaller and uglier than I expected. But I guess that's the media's fault, not the Bell's.

Ok, Shirley & I are fat-asses and everyone knows the real reason we visited Philly: Cheesesteaks. We weren't able to try any of the "famous" cheesesteak places like Pat's or Geno's cus they're apparently not interested in taking tourists' money and are located a bit away from everything else. Luckily, every cart on the street sold them &, yes, I got mine with Cheeze-Whiz. Gettin' whizzy wit it:

By midway thru day #2, we pretty much started feeling like this:

Overall, I'm glad I visited Philly, I had fun and I checked it off of my list. I don't really see any reason to visit again now that I've seen the historical sites. Other than those, it really doesn't have anything that NYC doesn't have a lot more of. I guess what I'm trying to say is, "Nah-nah nah-nah, our city's better than yours!"