Friday, July 31, 2009

The Cave

I'm writing this on a bright Friday afternoon, but I only know that because the clock says it's 4:00pm right now.

My roomates and I live in an exposed-brick 5-bedroom, 2-bathroom ground floor apartment, housed between a popular wine-bar and a vinyl record store. We've lovingly dubbed it "The Cave" because, thanks to flanking tall buildings and minimal natural light, you can never tell what the weather outside is like. I've stepped out of my apartment on multiple occasions to find myself surprised that the sun is still out, or that it's a cloudy day, or that it had rained earlier.

Unlike the ever-changing outside world, the scene inside The Cave is usually pretty constant: Being that all our utilites are covered with rent, & that it's summer, when you walk in you can usually count on all the AC's bumping full blast. There's likely to be a beer-pong table in the middle of the living room, with tons of cups and beer cans lying around. There will usually be music playing, and one of us 5 interns will home on the couch ready to get fucked up with you.

This is true at any given time of the day or night. I remember getting home at 1:00am from a 12-hour shift in the ER, tired & expecting to crash soon, only to walk into The Cave and find music blasting & 15 people pre-gaming for the night.

Well, I guess I'm going out. A quick shower, shit, & shave...and let the night begin.