Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Universal Scale

It’s time again to drop some Akshay-Approved knowledge on that ass. (For those who missed the 1st time, see “The Boobs-to-Brains Ratio”.) This time: The Universal Scale.

How many times have you been in this situation? 2 of your boys are trying to describe a girl they saw to you, and they’re cumpletely disagreeing with each other.
“She really wasn’t that hot, bro.”
“Dude! She wasn’t that bad! You’re trippin’.”
“You’re an idiot. She was beat.”

Throw in the fact that one of your friends loves anything blonde whether it’s a playboy bunny or a golden retriever and your other friend is also known as “Turok: the dinosaur hunter” and you end up having no fucking clue what this girl looks like.

Enter, the Universal Scale. Everyone has their own preferences, so the Universal Scale attempts to give you a rough estimate of the level of hotness while staying as simple as possible. How simple, you ask?

It’s a scale from 1 – 10. 4 is average. 4 literally means that if you passed by this girl on the street, you wouldn’t give her a 2nd look, for any reason. You’d just keep on walking.

Anything higher than a 4, and you’d give her some degree of a 2nd look because she’s some level of attractive. Anything from 5 (“Hmm…meh”) to 8 (“DAMN, that girl fine!”) to, theoretically, 10 (Nothing to say…the perfect body. Just wipe the cum off your pants and go on with your life.) The average man knows few 8’s & very few 9’s, and there are only a handful of 10’s in the world.

Anything lower than a “4,” and you’d have to give her some sort of 2nd look, cus she’s just that ugly. This can range from a 3 (“Uggh.”) all the way down to a 1 (“DAMN! That’s the ugliest bitch I ever seen!” or “What the fuck IS that?”)

For any guy who’s asked a girl if her friend was hot, only to get the most obvious cover-up reply ever: “She’s really nice!”, you’ll be happy to know the universal scale does NOT factor in personality AT ALL.

Finally, many ask, “Why is 4 the average instead of 5?” It’s quite simple, my friend…there are more shades of pretty than ugly.