When ppl in other fields think of the medical profession, many think "Yea, it seems hard getting into med school, then you have to take a bunch of tests, but then u cum out being a doctor." That is true, in only the loosest sense. When students apply to med school, they don't always realize what they're signing up for. A life of hoops, my friend...a life of hoops. Now start jumping.
I'll walk u thru it. 1st, to get into med school you need to take an exam (MCAT), fill out apps, get letters of rec, and interview. Then u get in (whoo-hoo!).
Med school's a 4-year program (for most of us, at least), w/ the 1st 2 years being taught in classes and the 2nd 2 years being tautght in the hospitals. Our 2nd year of med school is cumming to a close this week. We had a general "diagnosing test" last Friday, a test on the Musculo-skeletal system yesterday (which, for some reason, I thought was harder than most ppl I've talked to), tomorrow is a test on Hematology, and Friday will be the last test of Microbiology & Infectious Disease. The names of the subjects change, but really it's just the same exact cycle for 2 years...skip classes, take the exam. Good riddance.
But, after that? Well, there's the mac-daddy big-swinging USMLE Step 1 exam, aka "the Boards." And then? Next year we take brutally hard "Shelf Exams" (don't ask me why they're called that) after each rotation in a hospital.
Then? We get to RE-apply to get into a residency program...this means sending in apps, letters of rec, and interviewing...just like we did to get into Med School in the 1st place! Now we have to do it to get OUT? Son of a bitch...
As u can guess, it isn't over then, either. I didn't mention the Step 2 exams, and a year after med school there's still the Step 3 exam. Wanna further specialize (called a "fellowship")? Start applying to programs AGAIN. U get the idea...
And yea, u're a "doctor" during residency, but u get paid like u work at American Eagle (sorry, Keif...love u!). Then, when u're finally 31 years old (if u went straight into med school after college...NOT the norm), when all ur college friends have had houses and cars & have been clubbing for years now, when u have a ball-n-chain by ur side (& prolly even some mini-ball-n-chains biting at ur ankles), u make ur first real paycheck and arent' someone's bitch. Congratulations, doctor...have fun spending that money on diapers & down-payments. And since the average work-week for docs is about 50-60 hrs a week, "free time" = "sleep time." U baller, u.
My points, if I have any? Being a doc is NEVER primarily about the money. There's more cash to be made, a lot quicker, in other fields like finance & law. Remember, u're broke till u're 30. For some, it's about prestige. For some, it's about helping ppl. For some, job security. For most, it's a mix of these things. Finally, NEVER go into medicince primarily for the bitches. Lemme repeat: BROKE TILL U'RE 30.
It's a good thing I'm a simple man w/ simple pleasures. Case in point, my 3rd day of spring break. I get into sweet-(adopted)-home San Diego, meet up w/ 2 of my brothers-from-another-mother, and we rush to the most important event of the week in SD: McDonald's $1 6-piece Tuesdays! Cheers, bitches:
That's all me and Bwo right thurr:
Then it's time for vodka shots & Boone's Farm. Ahh yeah...San Diego livin'...
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