Seeing as I haven't had a drink or any fun for what feels like an eternity (over a week, at least!), I feel the need to continue re-living my uber-fun spring break. I might as well get the most out of it, considering it's one of the reasons I'm this far behind every other med student in the world in terms of Boards studying. (The other reason is that my reading skills are on par w/ a comatose dyslexic.)
So, being that we don't have the nightlife of NY, we're forced to be pretty creative fucks down in San Diego. On my 2nd night, we decided to play beer-pong, only like ping-pong. Beer-ping-pong, anyone?
If u've ever been next in line for a beer-pong table, u know how frustratingly long a game can go when both teams are shooting as if they're trying, by any means necessary, to avoid hitting a cup. (Holla at yo' boy, Brianne!) Well, now multiply THAT by the fact that accuracy drops past 0% when u're using ping-pong paddles, & u'll understand why we felt we needed to speed the game up by the end of it. So, it suddenly became a 7-person, 4-balls-in-play, cardboard-paddles-work-too, manic free-for-all.
Why on earth we thought getting that many drunkards involved would actually speed the game up is beyond me. In any case, afterwards I decided to take a ghetto-version of trip to ghetto-Tijuana, so I had my boys pour vodka and rum down my throat. Someone blow a whistle!
Mmm, I can taste the lovely combo now....tastes like losing about 20 points on the Step 1...
Of course, no SD trip of mine would be cumplete w/out a visit to Islands!
The next day, we enjoyed another Akshay-Approved classic: drunk bowling. Man, even tho I always had to set it up, and it always felt like ppl were doing me a favor by going, I really miss the drunk bowlings we used to do in NY. Some of the greatest times were during bowling, like when I hit a score-monitor w/ a bowling ball, and who could forget, "Rohit vs. the Machine!". I might have to upload those vids when i have time.
We also took a group-pic of all the kings of 1109. People often don't understand our reverence for's sorta like the '60's folks, we have pictures we'll never be able to show & memories we'll never be able to properly explain from that magical time & place, u just sorta had to be there to get it.
Speaking of kings, when Bro & I are in town u KNOW a game of King's Cup is goin' down. We rounded up the cards & burrs and had a jolly-good time. After sitting on the sidelines and watching us get drunk every night for 4 days, my boy Sonny (who had given up alcohol for Lent) realized even Jesus would have been playing if he'd been there and so he joined in the festivities. Good call, Sonny. Easter was only 2 days away, anyways.
And the "King's Cup" was a metal pot, just to add some class to the mix:
"Drink up, Phan! No, u're not done yet...keep drinking!" *Sigh*, friendship at its best.
So by the end of the night, 1 kid got pseudo-gang-raped, 1 kid broke his Lent, and 1 kid ended up puking all over a car, the road, and the carpet. Something tells me I'm gonna be a great doctor one day.
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