Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Just About 9497 Days, Now...

Another year down, just another year brown. Kinda.

So I'm 26 now, and I gotta say this past year rocked. Which, for some time now, is par for the course.

February has basically been a birfday month for me, I think in terms of days partying I'm batting 1.000 so far.

Unfortunately, it's time to pump the brakes a bit and get to passin' Step 2 CK and knockin' out a 15-page ISP paper. But there'll be time for that. For now, enjoy the Manu Chao.

(Mellow out to the greatest love song, especially if you speak a bit of Spanish and French.)

(Mind you, this is actually 2 separate songs on the album. But both are good. The 2nd is better if you speak some French.).

1 comment:

Big said...

haha that song is dope